1.14 Update
This latest update focuses on enhancing the overall gameplay experience as we gear up for the Official Launch. We've dedicated our efforts to Quality of Life improvements, taking into account the valuable suggestions from our community on Discord, as well as the feedback received through private messages. Your voices have been heard, and we've implemented changes that reflect your input.
Additionally, we're excited to introduce the new Summer Catalog, bringing fresh content to the game. Thank you for your continued support and feedback!
We are also participating Steam's Summer Sale with huge -50% discount!
Gameplay Changes:
All rocks can now be broken down with a pickaxe
You can now join your steam friends through the main menu (A bit unreliable still and often just says "In main menu")
Added new board game liar's dice to the game (item 464)
When mounted on a wolf, waving now plays a small bark sound
Treasure map now gives Latitude coordinate as a hint to make it easier to find the treasure
Copper, silver, titanium, iron, and coal ingots can now be stored in pallets
Made mining rig upgrade requirements harder to obtain
Completed quests are now shown in the quest tab
2 new server settings: Default prestige level and ability to disable wandering trader
Wandering trader now sets up a tent when he is trading items
Prestiges are now separated to have individual PVP and PVE levels. Levels obtained before the change will keep their level regardless of whether it was obtained in PVP or PVE servers
You can now buy a decay upgrade from LRI station for individual homes. Upgrade doubles the wood and decay time for the selected house
Shop Upgrade: Location broadcaster that allows players with map and satellite communicator to see shops on the map that have the upgrade
Advanced workbench now has a built-in crafting book
Some better cooking stations now also have a built-in cooking book
Chests now have Take all / Store all buttons
Miniturrets can now target NPC and vice versa
You can now whisper to other users in global chat that you have seen previously on the server
General Vendor items are now sorted from lowest to highest price by default. Due to technical limitations, we cannot provide a full search of the items like in other places
You can now see team members' online status on the team page
You can now kick players who are offline from the team
New eating and cooking animation added
Autorun is now disabled with WASD movement to prevent players from accidentally getting stuck in autorun
Increased house building block vertical size
If a player disconnects during travel, the player is now spawned at the destination
Official server daily restarts will now have a message warning for players to react to daily restarts
Default backpack and large backpack now have new models
Fixed issues with widescreen monitors where you could not interact with the universal vault in LRI stations with a widescreen aspect ratio
Zoom scaling also adjusted for different aspect ratios to make all aspect ratios see as much of the game
Hat special effects are now always shown on top of the hats, even if you have a gameplay hat ON like Hunting hat
UI/UX Changes:
Cooked Bird meat now has a distinct icon separating it from non-cooked
Added more cursor colors (Yellow, Pink, and Turquoise)
Adjusted LRI Station vault UI to better match the available space inside the vault. You now open 10 slots instead of 8 and increased the upgrade cost by 1000 Mk to reflect this change
You can now toggle a setting to always show just visual hats instead of gameplay hats in general settings
You can now inspect hats and other equipment by clicking them in the character customization screen
Added icons to the main menu to show when you can earn in-game drops
Event tabs now have loading indicators to prevent confusion when loading is taking a while
Event score should now be correctly updated to the scoreboard upon visiting the scoreboard item in-game
Applied a fix for Japanese characters that should now look mostly normal
Gesture Wheel:
You can now do gestures by pressing G by default and selecting a move
All players are given 6 gestures by default to fill out the wheel. More gestures will be released later
Stackable Items:
Made most of the flowers, ore chunks, and wood stackable in inventory
Any item that can be eaten cannot be stackable for balance reasons
Stack sizes can change in the future depending on how the balance changes with this change
First house cabin upgrade wood requirements have increased from 100 wood to 150 wood and 50 juniper wood separate to balance the now much easier wood carrying. Players can now carry 100 wood in inventory, so they should be spending less time walking back to the house and more time harvesting wood
Vendor Changes:
Julia's Mystery vendor now buys items from players at 2x the previous rate to really make it worth it to try to sell items to her
Shipments now give 3x better rewards than previously
Pristine and regular antlers and wolf tooth prices increased around 1.5x
Cooking NPC food prices increased around 10% and he now sells Salt, Pepper & Dill
Increased black lotus price
Increased ore and ingot prices
Balanced other high-moving item prices to match their value
Map Changes:
Hunting compendium island (Padva) now has a shooting range where you can compete to see who fires the targets fastest. Beating the high score earns you 5000 Mk
Compendium hat buyer who exchanges hats for mysterious bags and for other hats added to the map
Doubled the number of animal spawns in the winter regions to make it more profitable to hunt there
Weapon Balance Changes:
After reviewing player suggestions and usage data, we have decided to make the following changes to weapons:
Assault rifle fire rate increased from 450 → 475
Lowered chainsaw movement speed while "Firing"
Lowered Semi-Auto Pistol damage from 10 -> 7 and increased fire rate from 260 → 300
Made Modern rifle more accurate by reducing its scatter from 3 → 2
Modern Burst Rifle damage increased from 6 → 7 and projectile speed from 260 → 300
Lowered Auto Shotgun bullet scatter from 5 → 4
Buffed Machine gun damage from 6 → 7 and fire rate from 420 → 450
Mines/bunker combat buff no longer disappears
Made some rocks non minenable
Fixed teleport camera transitions
Player save is no longer reloaded if it already exists on the server
Team details update should now make a new team for player that was kicked offline
Fixed sauna collisions
Added a second fix for the disconnect issues that was caused by new gesture wheel
New Summer Catalog
Together with the Summer Catalog comes the Summer tackleboxes! You will be receiving these tackleboxes if you play actively every 48 Hours. So the tackleboxes have a 48 hour cooldown with the drops! We've also made an UI element to show if you're able to receive a tacklebox or not.
You're able to receive the tackleboxes during: 27.06 Thursday - 29.07 Monday
After that you are no longer able to receive these summer tackleboxes.
The Summer Catalog Shop will be opening later today! In Approx. 6-8Hours . You can still receive tackleboxes right away!
See you on the Isles!